[NEW] Call for publications (Conference proceedings)


Narrativity and environmental poetics at the dawn of the climate crisis

Call to participants to the 14th conference of the International Society for the Oral Literatures of Africa (ISOLA)

Inalco, Paris (France), 5-7 July 2023

Publication of 2023 proceedings
The Publications Officer of the International Society for the Oral Literatures of Africa (ISOLA) hereby calls on participants to the 14th conference of the Society held in Paris, France to submit their papers for publication to the guest editors of a special issue.

The 14th Isola Conference – “Humans and Non-Humans in African Verbal Arts: Narrativity and Environmental Poetics at the Dawn of the Climate Crisis” – proposed to investigate oral literatures in Africa and the Diaspora from the perspective of multiple approaches that place the relationship between the verbal arts and the environment at the centre of the research.

1. Relations between humans and non-humans in African oral literature
2. Sounds, movements, colours: sensorialities of the environment in oral literature
3. Aids, Ebola, Corona ... when viruses appear into literary and artistic creation
4. Narrativity and poetic creation in the face of global warming
5. Feminine creativity and the poetics of the world
6. Children facing the climate crisis: poetics and inventiveness
7. The animal spouse and other “transhumanist” motifs in the spoken word arts
8. Animal lessons and eco-responsible behaviour
9. Water as a source of life and death
10. Ecopoetics and natural / supernatural disasters
11. New media and the environment: between continuity and transformation.



1. The submitted papers should represent original research and should have originated at ISOLA’s 14th conference.

2. A selection of submitted papers will be published in Tydskrif vir Letterkunde: a journal for African literature. www.letterkunde.africa 

3. Papers may be submitted electronically as a virus-free attachment in Word format to the guest editors on the platform https://isola-14.sciencesconf.org through the page ‘Submit a paper for publication’.

4. Papers in French or English should be submitted by 15 November 2023



Authors are requested to adhere strictly to the following guidelines. For more information, please consult recent editions of TL and the following page: https://letterkunde.africa/authorguidelines.

● Contributions may be submitted in English or French.
● Articles must be accompanied by an English abstract of no more than 350 words, including a translation of the article title if applicable.
● Manuscripts not originating in the 14th ISOLA Conference, published previously or submitted elsewhere should not be submitted.
● A single digital copy of the article manuscript should be submitted initially on the platform https://isola-14.sciencesconf.org.
● After an initial review, authors will be asked to submit an electronic copy of the article via the Tydskrif vir Letterkunde journal management system.
● Manuscripts should be presented in unembellished, clear typed format with margins of at least 2.5 cm all around, and in single spacing (including quotations, notes and references).
● An author’s’ name, postal and email addresses, professional affiliation, short biographical note, and telephone numbers must be submitted in a separate document.
● To facilitate anonymous peer review, authors are requested not to indicate their names anywhere in their manuscripts.

● Manuscripts should be properly edited for language usage and be submitted in press ready format.
● A limit of 6000 words (including the abstract) is set as a general guideline for the length of articles.
● Referencing follows the latest editor of the MLA system.
● Notes, endnotes and the bibliography should be attached to the end of the article. Endnote numbers should be prepared in superscript and occur at the end of a sentence. Please note: computer generated endnotes, notes or bibliographies are not acceptable.

● All graphics must be submitted in camera-ready digital format.
● Graphics should be provided with appropriate captions.
● Material submitted digitally should have a resolution of at least 300dpi and should be submitted in a format no smaller than A5.
● It is the responsibility of the author to secure permission to reproduce copyrighted material.

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